Findings:the study revels irregular shape of two bundles of the anterior cruciate ligament ACL
The posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) is witch normal limit minimal of joint effusion is seen
PF compartment
- the medial patellofemoral ligament NPFL is intact
- there is no cartilage lesion
- no definite fracture or dislocation
MEDIAL Compartment
- the medial meniscus MM has normal appearance and signal intensity
- Free edge tear at body of MN
- no definite cartilage lasion
- the MCL is markedly thickening
Lateral compartment
- the Lateral meniscus LM has normal appearance
And signal intensity
- no definite cartilage lesion
- the fibular collateral ligament (FCL) and popliteus tendon Are within normal limit
- the biceps femoris tendon and iliotibial band Are
The visualized quadriceps and patellar tendons
Are within normal limit
The neurovascular bundle looks intact
IMPRESSION : significant findings are
- ACL : insufficiency
- MM : Free edge tear of body
- MCL : chronic partial tear
อยากทราบความหมายของ Mri
The posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) is witch normal limit minimal of joint effusion is seen
PF compartment
- the medial patellofemoral ligament NPFL is intact
- there is no cartilage lesion
- no definite fracture or dislocation
MEDIAL Compartment
- the medial meniscus MM has normal appearance and signal intensity
- Free edge tear at body of MN
- no definite cartilage lasion
- the MCL is markedly thickening
Lateral compartment
- the Lateral meniscus LM has normal appearance
And signal intensity
- no definite cartilage lesion
- the fibular collateral ligament (FCL) and popliteus tendon Are within normal limit
- the biceps femoris tendon and iliotibial band Are
The visualized quadriceps and patellar tendons
Are within normal limit
The neurovascular bundle looks intact
IMPRESSION : significant findings are
- ACL : insufficiency
- MM : Free edge tear of body
- MCL : chronic partial tear