ความคิดเห็นที่ 1
ใช่ + ไม่ใช่ Spanish grammar จริง ๆ แล้วไม่ง่ายเอาเลย
Carla se quedó con los zapatos que se probó a la tienda.
Carla kept the shoes she tried on at the store
Quedarse is the infinitive which goes with the “van a + infinitive” construction.
Se queda is the third person conjugated form.
That 'se' is the 3rd person reflexive pronoun.
quedar to be left, to stay
Examples have not been reviewed.
stayed (34) was (24) stood (18) remained (7) became (6)
El dijo esto, y entonces se quedo en Galilea.
He said this, and then stayed on in Galilee.
George se quedo en la baranda del puente que había encontrado.
George stood on the rail of the bridge he had found.
No, ese es el cadáver del último tipo que se quedo aquí.
No, that's the corpse from the last guy who stayed here.
Bien, después de ver este arco iris, él se quedo estupefacto.
Well, after seeing that rainbow, he was wonder-struck.
Cuando vi hacia abajo, mi menta se quedo en blanco.
Whenever I looked down, my mind went blank.
Por un brevísimo instante, Nichi se quedo aturdido.
For the briefest of moments, Nichi was stunned.
Un puñado de ellos se quedo, inclinándose ante Kumiko.
A handful remained, bowing before Kumiko.
Pero en realidad, no se quedo por él.
But in fact, she didn't leave because of Randall.
El templo se quedo callado una vez mas después de eso, durante un corto tiempo.
The temple became quiet again after that, for a little while.
De hecho ella se quedo dormida cuando estaba orando.
As a matter of fact, she fell asleep while I was praying.
Después se acostó, y se quedo dormido.
After that he went to bed and fell asleep.
Niko: Ella se quedo dormida orando.
Niko: She fell asleep praying.
Seiko se quedo quieta un instante, e hizo la pregunta que era inevitable.
Seiko was quiet for a while, then asked the inevitable question.
Mi auto se quedo sin gasolina...
My car ran out of gas...
El auto se quedo sin gasolina.
The car ran out of gas.
Mi lapicera se quedo sin tinta.
My pen ran out of ink.
La mujer se lo tomo bien y se quedo callada por unos segundos.
The woman took it in stride, and was silent for a few seconds.
En realidad, no se quedo mucho tiempo.
No, she didn't stay very long.
Paquetes huérfanos. Esta semana se quedo huérfano 1 paquete y necesitan un nuevo encargado.
Orphaned Packages. 1 package was orphaned this week and require a new maintainer.
¡El artista se quedo pasmado y me dijo que había pasado exactamente así!
The artist was astonished and said to me that it was so indeed!
Carla se quedó con los zapatos que se probó a la tienda.
Carla kept the shoes she tried on at the store
Quedarse is the infinitive which goes with the “van a + infinitive” construction.
Se queda is the third person conjugated form.
That 'se' is the 3rd person reflexive pronoun.
quedar to be left, to stay
Examples have not been reviewed.
stayed (34) was (24) stood (18) remained (7) became (6)
El dijo esto, y entonces se quedo en Galilea.
He said this, and then stayed on in Galilee.
George se quedo en la baranda del puente que había encontrado.
George stood on the rail of the bridge he had found.
No, ese es el cadáver del último tipo que se quedo aquí.
No, that's the corpse from the last guy who stayed here.
Bien, después de ver este arco iris, él se quedo estupefacto.
Well, after seeing that rainbow, he was wonder-struck.
Cuando vi hacia abajo, mi menta se quedo en blanco.
Whenever I looked down, my mind went blank.
Por un brevísimo instante, Nichi se quedo aturdido.
For the briefest of moments, Nichi was stunned.
Un puñado de ellos se quedo, inclinándose ante Kumiko.
A handful remained, bowing before Kumiko.
Pero en realidad, no se quedo por él.
But in fact, she didn't leave because of Randall.
El templo se quedo callado una vez mas después de eso, durante un corto tiempo.
The temple became quiet again after that, for a little while.
De hecho ella se quedo dormida cuando estaba orando.
As a matter of fact, she fell asleep while I was praying.
Después se acostó, y se quedo dormido.
After that he went to bed and fell asleep.
Niko: Ella se quedo dormida orando.
Niko: She fell asleep praying.
Seiko se quedo quieta un instante, e hizo la pregunta que era inevitable.
Seiko was quiet for a while, then asked the inevitable question.
Mi auto se quedo sin gasolina...
My car ran out of gas...
El auto se quedo sin gasolina.
The car ran out of gas.
Mi lapicera se quedo sin tinta.
My pen ran out of ink.
La mujer se lo tomo bien y se quedo callada por unos segundos.
The woman took it in stride, and was silent for a few seconds.
En realidad, no se quedo mucho tiempo.
No, she didn't stay very long.
Paquetes huérfanos. Esta semana se quedo huérfano 1 paquete y necesitan un nuevo encargado.
Orphaned Packages. 1 package was orphaned this week and require a new maintainer.
¡El artista se quedo pasmado y me dijo que había pasado exactamente así!
The artist was astonished and said to me that it was so indeed!
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