when I met me everything felt right
I awakes, started new lives .. me sleeps, but it's still alive
I always shining light
me is dark but still just as bright
I is crowded, full of living things
me is empty, no awake beings
I is wild, cause of what people do
me is crazy, believe all are too
I is dirty, starts to match me
me is clean, quiet, just right
I is loud, all noises surrounding it
me is peaceful, no noises around it
I is special, as special as it comes
me is different, as nothing can be done
me and I are both loved and so attached
but in reality me and I are opposites attract
..... opposites attract .....
I awakes, started new lives .. me sleeps, but it's still alive
me is dark but still just as bright
me is empty, no awake beings
me is crazy, believe all are too
me is clean, quiet, just right
me is peaceful, no noises around it
me is different, as nothing can be done
but in reality me and I are opposites attract