Narrative Summary
Monitoring started at 10:17 and continued for 23 hr 59min. The average heart rate was 66 BPM. The minimum heart rate was 42 BPM.
Occurring at 2:14:22. The maximum heart rate was 113 BPM. occurring at 8:32:22.
The patient's rhythm included 9hr 7min 32 sec of bradycardia. The slowest single episode of bradycadia occurred at 5:20:13. lasting 16 min 3 sec. With minimum heart rate of 41 BPM.
The patient's rhythm included 38 sec of tachycardia. The fastest single episode of tachycardie occurred at 8:32:19. lasting 5 sec. With maximum heart rate of 113 BPM.
Supraventricular ectopic activity consisted of 40 beats. of which. 6 were in atrial couplets.
5 were late beat. 29 were single PACs. The longest R-R interval was 1.6 seconds occurring at 5:20:40. The longest N-N interval was 1.6 seconds occurring at 5:20:40
อยากทราบครับว่า จากผลข้อมูลเบื้องต้นแบบนี้ ผมถือว่าเป็นโรคหัวใจเต้นผิดจังหวะหรือยังครับ
ปล.ลืมถามหมอครับ ไม่ได้ไปรับผลตรวจด้วยตัวเอง
พอมีหมอโรคหัวใจสรุปผลholter monitorให้ได้มั้ยครับ
Monitoring started at 10:17 and continued for 23 hr 59min. The average heart rate was 66 BPM. The minimum heart rate was 42 BPM.
Occurring at 2:14:22. The maximum heart rate was 113 BPM. occurring at 8:32:22.
The patient's rhythm included 9hr 7min 32 sec of bradycardia. The slowest single episode of bradycadia occurred at 5:20:13. lasting 16 min 3 sec. With minimum heart rate of 41 BPM.
The patient's rhythm included 38 sec of tachycardia. The fastest single episode of tachycardie occurred at 8:32:19. lasting 5 sec. With maximum heart rate of 113 BPM.
Supraventricular ectopic activity consisted of 40 beats. of which. 6 were in atrial couplets.
5 were late beat. 29 were single PACs. The longest R-R interval was 1.6 seconds occurring at 5:20:40. The longest N-N interval was 1.6 seconds occurring at 5:20:40
อยากทราบครับว่า จากผลข้อมูลเบื้องต้นแบบนี้ ผมถือว่าเป็นโรคหัวใจเต้นผิดจังหวะหรือยังครับ
ปล.ลืมถามหมอครับ ไม่ได้ไปรับผลตรวจด้วยตัวเอง