จขกท.อยู่ในช่วงที่สับสนมากๆและกำลังศึกษาหาความจริงคะ อยากถามผู้รู้จริงๆ หรือใครที่เคยศึกษา 2 เล่มนี้อย่างเข็มๆมาแล้ว
อยากทราบว่า ไบเบิ้ลถูกบิดเบือนจริงๆหรือไม่ จขกท.เป็นคริสเตียนนะคะ แต่ตอนนี้อยู่ในช่วงที่กำลังสับสนและต้องการผู้รู้มาตอบคะ
อันนี้ข้อพระคัมภีร์ที่ถูกแปลไม่เหมือนกันและบางอันไม่ make sense ลองดูนะคะ อยากให้คนช่วยอธิบายจริงๆคะ

In the following verse Jesus is asked about the most important commandments of faith, he answers to Worship God Alone
- *Mark 12:28 - 34*
In the following verse Jesus prayed and Identified that things are done by the will of God not his own will
- *Mathew 26:39*
In the following verse Jesus says the he is not the father and that the father is greater than him
- *John 14:28*
In the following verse Jesus says that God is his God and the God of the children of Israel, he also says that he is his father and their father also
- *john 20:17*
Here are examples of the term “son of God” or “children of God” used in the bible but showing that it does not mean actual son of God
- *Exodus 4:22* and *Romans 8:14* and *ephesians 4:6*
In this verse Jesus is recognized and called Gods servant
- *Acts 3:13*
In the following verses Jesus is recognized as a prophet and he preached the to the Rabbis
-*Mathew 21:10 - 11*
In these to verses Jesus again clearly says no one is good except God alone, separating himself from Godhood
-*Luke 18:19 and Mark 10:18*
These are many examples of the words of our blessed prophet, the Messiah, the blessed son of the blessed virgin mother where he clearly prayed, was called a prophet and Identified God as his God and the God of Israel to be worshipped alone. It is in harmony with the Torah before it and the Quran after it.
Yes, I know that there are other verses in the book that say the complete opposite, this is because there were many many writers who wrote things there and said Jesus and/or God said this or that. They corrupted the word of God by changing it and they have lead millions to stray from the truth and the righteous path, they are the reason some people just became atheists or stopped worshipping God because they couldn’t make sense of all the contradictions. I have attached some pics of verses that you can look up in the Bible that clearly contradict each other because the information is not from God but from writers who made mistakes.
Bible กับ Quran อันไหนเป็นความจริงและอันไหนเป็นเท็จ
อยากทราบว่า ไบเบิ้ลถูกบิดเบือนจริงๆหรือไม่ จขกท.เป็นคริสเตียนนะคะ แต่ตอนนี้อยู่ในช่วงที่กำลังสับสนและต้องการผู้รู้มาตอบคะ
อันนี้ข้อพระคัมภีร์ที่ถูกแปลไม่เหมือนกันและบางอันไม่ make sense ลองดูนะคะ อยากให้คนช่วยอธิบายจริงๆคะ
- *Mark 12:28 - 34*
In the following verse Jesus prayed and Identified that things are done by the will of God not his own will
- *Mathew 26:39*
In the following verse Jesus says the he is not the father and that the father is greater than him
- *John 14:28*
In the following verse Jesus says that God is his God and the God of the children of Israel, he also says that he is his father and their father also
- *john 20:17*
Here are examples of the term “son of God” or “children of God” used in the bible but showing that it does not mean actual son of God
- *Exodus 4:22* and *Romans 8:14* and *ephesians 4:6*
In this verse Jesus is recognized and called Gods servant
- *Acts 3:13*
In the following verses Jesus is recognized as a prophet and he preached the to the Rabbis
-*Mathew 21:10 - 11*
In these to verses Jesus again clearly says no one is good except God alone, separating himself from Godhood
-*Luke 18:19 and Mark 10:18*
These are many examples of the words of our blessed prophet, the Messiah, the blessed son of the blessed virgin mother where he clearly prayed, was called a prophet and Identified God as his God and the God of Israel to be worshipped alone. It is in harmony with the Torah before it and the Quran after it.
Yes, I know that there are other verses in the book that say the complete opposite, this is because there were many many writers who wrote things there and said Jesus and/or God said this or that. They corrupted the word of God by changing it and they have lead millions to stray from the truth and the righteous path, they are the reason some people just became atheists or stopped worshipping God because they couldn’t make sense of all the contradictions. I have attached some pics of verses that you can look up in the Bible that clearly contradict each other because the information is not from God but from writers who made mistakes.