มีเมลล์ส่งมาให้ว่าให้อัปเกรดอีเมลล์ มีข้อคำดังนี้ครับ
Hi Email User
Your email account needs to be upgraded to avoid Shutdown because we receive instruction from your email to shutdown your mail box.
May. 2017 00:28:50 -0500
You have less than 24hrs.
Use the link below to continue using this service and to avoid shutdown or phishing
รบกวนสอบถามครับ เรื่องเมลล์ ว่ามันคืออะไรครับ
Hi Email User
Your email account needs to be upgraded to avoid Shutdown because we receive instruction from your email to shutdown your mail box.
May. 2017 00:28:50 -0500
You have less than 24hrs.
Use the link below to continue using this service and to avoid shutdown or phishing