ตามหัวข้อเลยนะค่ะ รบกวนช่วยแปลผลตรวจตามข้างล่างนี้ให้หน่อยค่ะ ขอบคุนค่ะ
- the liver is mild coarse echogenicity without focal lesion. The portal and hepatic veins are
patent. No bile duct dilatation is seen.
- the gallbladder, visualized pancreas, spleen and bilateral kidneys are unremarkable.
- no ascites or lymphadenopathy.
- mild liver parenchymal disease.
- no gross hepatic lesion seen.
ขอรบกวนผู้รู้/หมอ แปลผลตรวจการผ่าตัดนี้ให้หน่อยค่ะ
- the liver is mild coarse echogenicity without focal lesion. The portal and hepatic veins are
patent. No bile duct dilatation is seen.
- the gallbladder, visualized pancreas, spleen and bilateral kidneys are unremarkable.
- no ascites or lymphadenopathy.
- mild liver parenchymal disease.
- no gross hepatic lesion seen.