History : Bowel habit change
Findings :
Under fluoroscopic guidance, a barium mixture was administered to the patient filling the colon in a retrograde fashion from the rectum to the cecum, including a small portion of the terminal ileum.
It flow freely without evidence of filling defect, outpouching lesion, mass or obstruction.
The presacal space and IC valve are within normal range.
Contrast filling into normal appearance appendix noted.
Post evacuation film is unremarkable.
IMPRESSION : No definite abnormality
Findings :
Under fluoroscopic guidance, a barium mixture was administered to the patient filling the colon in a retrograde fashion from the rectum to the cecum, including a small portion of the terminal ileum.
It flow freely without evidence of filling defect, outpouching lesion, mass or obstruction.
The presacal space and IC valve are within normal range.
Contrast filling into normal appearance appendix noted.
Post evacuation film is unremarkable.
IMPRESSION : No definite abnormality