There are many types of life insurance in Thailand and they can be divided into several categories, such as:
General life insurance: Provides life coverage in the event of an unexpected event, such as death from an accident or illness.
Endowment life insurance: Accumulates savings along with life coverage, from which the insured will receive a refund at maturity.
Short-term life insurance: Has a shorter coverage period than general life insurance, and is often suitable for those who want coverage for a certain period of time.
Unit-linked life insurance: Provides life coverage and investment at the same time, with the money paid being invested in various funds.
Senior life insurance: Designed to provide coverage and benefits in the case of senior citizens.
การประกันชีวิตในประเทศไทยมีหลายประเภทและสามารถแบ่งออกได้เป็นหลายหมวดหมู่ เช่น
General life insurance: Provides life coverage in the event of an unexpected event, such as death from an accident or illness.
Endowment life insurance: Accumulates savings along with life coverage, from which the insured will receive a refund at maturity.
Short-term life insurance: Has a shorter coverage period than general life insurance, and is often suitable for those who want coverage for a certain period of time.
Unit-linked life insurance: Provides life coverage and investment at the same time, with the money paid being invested in various funds.
Senior life insurance: Designed to provide coverage and benefits in the case of senior citizens.