Annex II
Teachers' Learning in a Changing World
H .E . Mr . Sukavich Rangsitpol
Minister of Education,
Chiang Rai, Thailand
6 January 1996
The old saying, "Teachers will teach the way they have been taught" is very much in evidence in the Thai educational system. Hence, introducing change to educational practices has to start with teachers' learning. When the learning process of teachers and teacher training has been changed, it is assured that the new learning process will be replicated in classrooms. If teacher education is loaded with lecturing, it is very difficult to introduce other kinds of teaching to school learning. If teachers' learning emphasizes memorization or rote learning, it is unlikely that school learning will include high-order thinking. Therefore, every educational reform has to begin with teachers' learning, otherwise classroom learning will not be changed and new learning outcomes will not be achieved.
Problems and Needs
When "The New Math" was introduced to Thai education in the 1970s, it was presented as a new content. It was intended that the new math would make the subject more understandable, and more fun to learn. A good understanding would encourage further learning rather than create a dislike for the subject matter. It was anticipated that if the whole programme succeeded, students should be more competent in numerical operation and more inclined to study science and engineering. With an adequate manpower in science and engineering, the nation's industrial development would prosper.
Teachers were introduced to the programme in a training session. Their role was to carry out the actual teaching of the new subject. They learned about the new subject through traditional practices, starting with theory, rules and example problems. They learned how to find answers to the problem according to some specific paradigm and then used the paradigm to solve similar problems in exercises. Many teachers felt uncertain about the concepts. They were uncommitted and proceeded to present the material as a deliverer without any in-depth understanding. Eventually, nothing was changed except that there was more content to be covered.
The modern math is only one example of many unsuccessful reforms in teaching-learning. In most educational reforms, methods of teaching have not been included in the discussion. More often than not, the topic of learning methods is not only ignored, it is explicitly ridiculed by most reformers who are aiming at a more modern knowledge. It is often said too that to reform learning methods is time-wasting. Tea hers also say that teaching for learning how-to-learn-learn will consume a lot of time. It will be difficult to cover all the content specified by the curriculum if learning uses up too much time on hands-on activities. The less-is-more alternative has not been considered as a possible solution at all in educational reforms where only expanding will bring about progress and development is more. Now is an appropriate time for educators to come down to the heart of educational matters or the learning methods to achieve the less-is-more alternative in all educational reforms.
Teachers need to be trained on how children leran, not only how to solve mathematical problems. They must know how to make learners well understand the New Math and enable them to solve mathematical problems. Moreover, they should be able to help learners to efficiently communicate to other numerical ideas and to make connection with real-life problems in the areas chosen for their eventual career. Training only on subject matter is definitely not going to bring about this expertise. There must be more emphasis on coaching and facilitating techniques. In their normal practices, teachers must see very clearly where each individual learner stands on the learning continuum of that particular development, what problems and difficulties he or she is going to face and what lies ahead on that learning continuum to be walked by the learner. Teachers should be trained to be a master of how to help each and every learn to walk through the learning task. Going through the learning task is a necessary and essential aspect of teacher training but it is not sufficient to make them good and effective teachers.
In a world that changes at an exponential rate, members of such world community have to be very proficient in finding reasonable solutions to the problems that they face by themselves. Furthermore, a solution to one problem can not be totally applicable to other problems, however similar. It is said that there are no two problems that are exactly alike. There are many variables intertwined in every problem and components of all the variable involved have to be carefully studied. Forming solutions by studying and synthesizing the relationship among key variables seems to be very much in need. The ability to identify a meaning from observable and obtained data is the core of human characteristics in such changing society. Hence, inductive thinking has to be instilled in every learner for a productive citizenship in the changing world of tomorrow.
Teachers' Learning in a Changing World H.E. Mr Sukavich Rangsitpol Minister of Education, Thailand
Annex II
Teachers' Learning in a Changing World
H .E . Mr . Sukavich Rangsitpol
Minister of Education,
Chiang Rai, Thailand
6 January 1996
The old saying, "Teachers will teach the way they have been taught" is very much in evidence in the Thai educational system. Hence, introducing change to educational practices has to start with teachers' learning. When the learning process of teachers and teacher training has been changed, it is assured that the new learning process will be replicated in classrooms. If teacher education is loaded with lecturing, it is very difficult to introduce other kinds of teaching to school learning. If teachers' learning emphasizes memorization or rote learning, it is unlikely that school learning will include high-order thinking. Therefore, every educational reform has to begin with teachers' learning, otherwise classroom learning will not be changed and new learning outcomes will not be achieved.
Problems and Needs
When "The New Math" was introduced to Thai education in the 1970s, it was presented as a new content. It was intended that the new math would make the subject more understandable, and more fun to learn. A good understanding would encourage further learning rather than create a dislike for the subject matter. It was anticipated that if the whole programme succeeded, students should be more competent in numerical operation and more inclined to study science and engineering. With an adequate manpower in science and engineering, the nation's industrial development would prosper.
Teachers were introduced to the programme in a training session. Their role was to carry out the actual teaching of the new subject. They learned about the new subject through traditional practices, starting with theory, rules and example problems. They learned how to find answers to the problem according to some specific paradigm and then used the paradigm to solve similar problems in exercises. Many teachers felt uncertain about the concepts. They were uncommitted and proceeded to present the material as a deliverer without any in-depth understanding. Eventually, nothing was changed except that there was more content to be covered.
The modern math is only one example of many unsuccessful reforms in teaching-learning. In most educational reforms, methods of teaching have not been included in the discussion. More often than not, the topic of learning methods is not only ignored, it is explicitly ridiculed by most reformers who are aiming at a more modern knowledge. It is often said too that to reform learning methods is time-wasting. Tea hers also say that teaching for learning how-to-learn-learn will consume a lot of time. It will be difficult to cover all the content specified by the curriculum if learning uses up too much time on hands-on activities. The less-is-more alternative has not been considered as a possible solution at all in educational reforms where only expanding will bring about progress and development is more. Now is an appropriate time for educators to come down to the heart of educational matters or the learning methods to achieve the less-is-more alternative in all educational reforms.
Teachers need to be trained on how children leran, not only how to solve mathematical problems. They must know how to make learners well understand the New Math and enable them to solve mathematical problems. Moreover, they should be able to help learners to efficiently communicate to other numerical ideas and to make connection with real-life problems in the areas chosen for their eventual career. Training only on subject matter is definitely not going to bring about this expertise. There must be more emphasis on coaching and facilitating techniques. In their normal practices, teachers must see very clearly where each individual learner stands on the learning continuum of that particular development, what problems and difficulties he or she is going to face and what lies ahead on that learning continuum to be walked by the learner. Teachers should be trained to be a master of how to help each and every learn to walk through the learning task. Going through the learning task is a necessary and essential aspect of teacher training but it is not sufficient to make them good and effective teachers.
In a world that changes at an exponential rate, members of such world community have to be very proficient in finding reasonable solutions to the problems that they face by themselves. Furthermore, a solution to one problem can not be totally applicable to other problems, however similar. It is said that there are no two problems that are exactly alike. There are many variables intertwined in every problem and components of all the variable involved have to be carefully studied. Forming solutions by studying and synthesizing the relationship among key variables seems to be very much in need. The ability to identify a meaning from observable and obtained data is the core of human characteristics in such changing society. Hence, inductive thinking has to be instilled in every learner for a productive citizenship in the changing world of tomorrow.