Recent activity on various devices
We’ve detected that your account has exceeded the allowed number of devices from which it can download.
If you think someone else might have accessed your account without authorization, please reset your Freepik password.
If you want to allow downloads from this device, please, go to your device manager.
Otherwise, you are not allowed to download any resource from the blocked devices.
If you are a company, there are different offers depending on the number of users. Please, contact our support team for more information.
Go to homepageWe apologize for any inconvenience caused.
โหลดรูปจาก freepik แล้วขึ้นแบบนี้ต้องทำยังไงคะ
Recent activity on various devices
We’ve detected that your account has exceeded the allowed number of devices from which it can download.
If you think someone else might have accessed your account without authorization, please reset your Freepik password.
If you want to allow downloads from this device, please, go to your device manager.
Otherwise, you are not allowed to download any resource from the blocked devices.
If you are a company, there are different offers depending on the number of users. Please, contact our support team for more information.
Go to homepageWe apologize for any inconvenience caused.