ตอนนี้น่าจะเป็นตอนที่ตื่นเต้นอีกตอน 1 เลย ก็ได้
[Spoil] คลิกเพื่อดูข้อความที่ซ่อนไว้- Even if Megicula is sealed, Loro's curse doesn't disppear
- Megicula appears, taking over half of Vanica's body. She says humans are exciting and she didn't expect someone to be able to ALMOST seal her.
- Megicula binds Nero with her magic
- Megicula's magic is Falling World, which dispells any magic that would affect her.
- In Megicula's presence, Loro grows weak
- Vanica is angry Megicula interrupted, but Megicula tells her to shut up
- Loro's curse activates, she falls to the floor in pain. Undine disappears because Loro's magic can't sustain her.
- Vanica says that Loro is done. They decide to be merciful and end her suffering.
- Before MegiVani kills Loro, Noelle attacks them.
- Noelle continues trying to fight.
- Vanica doesn't seem to care about Noelle, but Megi stops in her tracks.
- Megi recognizes Noelle
[Spoil] คลิกเพื่อดูข้อความที่ซ่อนไว้ภาพ
[spoiler] Black Clover 254
Cr. https://ww5.readblackclover.com/
[Spoil] คลิกเพื่อดูข้อความที่ซ่อนไว้
[Spoil] คลิกเพื่อดูข้อความที่ซ่อนไว้