บอกแล้วก็ไม่เชื่อว่า ให้รีบเป็น สังคมไร้เงินสด ไวๆ
มามัวช้าอยู่ จ่ายโดย เงินสด อยู่ อันตรายมากกกก
คนเข็ดไม่ใช้ธนบัตร ทั่วทั้งโลกกกกกกกกกกกกกก
The Federal Reserve is delaying processing dollars that have been repatriated from Asia. The Louvre Museum in Paris isn't accepting cash from visitors. And Iran has urged its citizens to stop using bank notes over fears the coronavirus can be transmitted to humans through contaminated objects like cash.
Public health experts believe the novel coronavirus, which causes the potentially deadly COVID-19 disease, is transmittable through "fomites" — surfaces, including paper money, that have been handled by an infected person.
"The belief is that these viruses can stay on surfaces in their fully active states for at least 10 days. That includes cash and all kinds of other surfaces that people normally touch," Dr. Sanjay Maggirwar, chair of the George Washington University School of Medicine's department of microbiology, immunology and tropical medicine, told CBS MoneyWatch. "So certainly with the coronavirus, cash handling is a concern."
หลีกเลี่ยงการใช้ธนบัตร หลัง WHO บอกว่า ไวรัสโควิด 19 ติดผ่านธนบัตร
มามัวช้าอยู่ จ่ายโดย เงินสด อยู่ อันตรายมากกกก
คนเข็ดไม่ใช้ธนบัตร ทั่วทั้งโลกกกกกกกกกกกกกก
The Federal Reserve is delaying processing dollars that have been repatriated from Asia. The Louvre Museum in Paris isn't accepting cash from visitors. And Iran has urged its citizens to stop using bank notes over fears the coronavirus can be transmitted to humans through contaminated objects like cash.
Public health experts believe the novel coronavirus, which causes the potentially deadly COVID-19 disease, is transmittable through "fomites" — surfaces, including paper money, that have been handled by an infected person.
"The belief is that these viruses can stay on surfaces in their fully active states for at least 10 days. That includes cash and all kinds of other surfaces that people normally touch," Dr. Sanjay Maggirwar, chair of the George Washington University School of Medicine's department of microbiology, immunology and tropical medicine, told CBS MoneyWatch. "So certainly with the coronavirus, cash handling is a concern."