We appreciate you taking the time to report this to us.
In order to process your request, we require confirmation that the private information you are reporting belongs to you or someone who you are legally authorized to represent. If the reported private information belongs to you, please reply to this message and under penalty of perjury confirm it is your information by stating “I confirm”.
If you are reporting on behalf of a person you legally represent: using the link below, please upload a document certifying that you are authorized to act on their behalf (e.g., power of attorney, birth certificate, or proof of parental rights / guardianship for minor children).
Before uploading, make sure your document(s) are legible so we can easily access the information. Everything you submit will remain confidential and will be deleted after review.
Upload link:
As soon as we receive the requested information from you, I will investigate and get back to you.
Twitter support ส่งข้อความมาให้ยืนยันข้อมูล้องทำยังไง
We appreciate you taking the time to report this to us.
In order to process your request, we require confirmation that the private information you are reporting belongs to you or someone who you are legally authorized to represent. If the reported private information belongs to you, please reply to this message and under penalty of perjury confirm it is your information by stating “I confirm”.
If you are reporting on behalf of a person you legally represent: using the link below, please upload a document certifying that you are authorized to act on their behalf (e.g., power of attorney, birth certificate, or proof of parental rights / guardianship for minor children).
Before uploading, make sure your document(s) are legible so we can easily access the information. Everything you submit will remain confidential and will be deleted after review.
Upload link: https://t.co/lAtcPlTgmx
As soon as we receive the requested information from you, I will investigate and get back to you.