เราเรียงประโยคแบบนี้ถูกต้องไหมอยากให้ช่วยดูหน่อยค่ะ เกี่ยวกับภาวะโลกร้อน
Global warming means that the average temperature of the air on the planet increases. Whether it is air near the earth's surface and ocean water. The cause of global warming is because of increased greenhouse gases from human activities. So we helped to plant trees as a way to help reduce global warming. As we all know that in the daytime The tree will breathe carbon dioxide into it. And exhaled as oxygen.
Global warming means that the average temperature of the air on the planet increases. Whether it is air near the earth's surface and ocean water. The cause of global warming is because of increased greenhouse gases from human activities. So we helped to plant trees as a way to help reduce global warming. As we all know that in the daytime The tree will breathe carbon dioxide into it. And exhaled as oxygen.