Japanese Pronunciation for Communicationへようこそ!
みなさん、こんにちは!Japanese Pronunciation for Communicationの講座こうざへようこそ!私わたしたちのMOOCにご登録とうろくいただき、どうもありがとうございます。
Welcome to JPC111x – Japanese Pronunciation for Communication
Hello everyone and welcome to Japanese Pronunciation for Communication! We are delighted you have joined us for this MOOC.
Our goal is to improve your Japanese pronunciation so that when you speak you can accurately share your intended message and feelings. We will teach you about the key points to Japanese pronunciation and show you methods to practice pronunciation by yourself.
This course is packed full of content including video lectures, mini conversation dramas, shadowing practice materials, cultural articles, quizzes, audio practice and much, much more. We really hope you enjoy it and by the end of the course you can call yourself a Pronunciation Expert – or at least know what it will take to become one.
Get Started
To get started, we recommend you check out our Syllabus page, by clicking on the “Syllabus” tab above, and then head over to the Course page to get started with the main course content.
If you are taking a course on edX for the first time, we recommend you take the mock edX demo course (DemoX) which will show you how to use the platform.
うれしいことに、この講座こうざは世界せかい各地かくちから多おおくの方かたが登録とうろくしています。この場ばを借かりて、みなさんを温あたたかく歓迎かんげいしたいと思おもいます。そして、講座こうざを始はじめるにあたり、一緒いっしょに勉強べんきょうしていく仲間なかまにあいさつをしてみませんか。ここに「Discussion Forum」のリンクを貼はりましたので、「General」をクリックして早速さっそく日本語にほんごで書かきこんで、自己じこ紹介しょうかいをしてみましょう。
Say Hello
Finally, we have been overawed by how many students have signed up for this course from around the world for this truly global MOOC. We will like to welcome each one of you and hope you enjoy studying with us. For now, why don’t you get to know your fellow learners by introducing yourself in the "General" topic of the Discussion Forum – and since this is a Japanese course, why don’t you try to do it in Japanese!
We sincerely hope you will enjoy our course.
WasedaX Team
Japanese Pronunciation for Communication จาก Waseda university
みなさん、こんにちは!Japanese Pronunciation for Communicationの講座こうざへようこそ!私わたしたちのMOOCにご登録とうろくいただき、どうもありがとうございます。
Welcome to JPC111x – Japanese Pronunciation for Communication
Hello everyone and welcome to Japanese Pronunciation for Communication! We are delighted you have joined us for this MOOC.
Our goal is to improve your Japanese pronunciation so that when you speak you can accurately share your intended message and feelings. We will teach you about the key points to Japanese pronunciation and show you methods to practice pronunciation by yourself.
This course is packed full of content including video lectures, mini conversation dramas, shadowing practice materials, cultural articles, quizzes, audio practice and much, much more. We really hope you enjoy it and by the end of the course you can call yourself a Pronunciation Expert – or at least know what it will take to become one.
Get Started
To get started, we recommend you check out our Syllabus page, by clicking on the “Syllabus” tab above, and then head over to the Course page to get started with the main course content.
If you are taking a course on edX for the first time, we recommend you take the mock edX demo course (DemoX) which will show you how to use the platform.
うれしいことに、この講座こうざは世界せかい各地かくちから多おおくの方かたが登録とうろくしています。この場ばを借かりて、みなさんを温あたたかく歓迎かんげいしたいと思おもいます。そして、講座こうざを始はじめるにあたり、一緒いっしょに勉強べんきょうしていく仲間なかまにあいさつをしてみませんか。ここに「Discussion Forum」のリンクを貼はりましたので、「General」をクリックして早速さっそく日本語にほんごで書かきこんで、自己じこ紹介しょうかいをしてみましょう。
Say Hello
Finally, we have been overawed by how many students have signed up for this course from around the world for this truly global MOOC. We will like to welcome each one of you and hope you enjoy studying with us. For now, why don’t you get to know your fellow learners by introducing yourself in the "General" topic of the Discussion Forum – and since this is a Japanese course, why don’t you try to do it in Japanese!
We sincerely hope you will enjoy our course.
WasedaX Team