CXR PA Upright view
No active pleuropulmonary lesion is noted. Mild plate atelectasis at periphery of the left middle lung field is seen.
Cardiothoracic ratio is normal.
Bilateral costophrenic angles are clear.
Mediastinum and aorta are unremarkable, while bulging of the main pulmonary trunk is observed.
Bony thorax and soft tissue show no abnormality.
No active pleuropulmonary disease.
Bulging of the main pulmonary trunk.
No active pleuropulmonary lesion is noted. Mild plate atelectasis at periphery of the left middle lung field is seen.
Cardiothoracic ratio is normal.
Bilateral costophrenic angles are clear.
Mediastinum and aorta are unremarkable, while bulging of the main pulmonary trunk is observed.
Bony thorax and soft tissue show no abnormality.
No active pleuropulmonary disease.
Bulging of the main pulmonary trunk.