Customers’ excessive use of hard-to-recycle plastic bags is harmful to the environment. Supermarkets have used many tactics to encourage their customers not to use these plastic bags. Some try charging extra for each bag used for offering paper bags instead, but these methods are far from perfect. Charging for a plastic bag can have the effect of driving customers to a competing supermarket. Paper bags are expensive to make, so they are less viable than even low-quality plastic bags. Many supermarkets offer a small discount in return for not using a plastic bag, and still others sell reusable cloth sacks that customer can bring back every time they come shopping. But the availability of cloth bags has done little to reduce the use of use of plastic disposables. Marketing experts at Ipanerra Supermarkets Company believe cloth bags would be more successful if they were more fashionable.
According to them it is hard to blame customers for not buying a durable cloth carryall, even a cheap one, if it doesn’t have a catchy design and if all it features is a company logo.
To address this problem Ipanerra hired a team of designers to make its cloth bags more colorful than those available at other supermarkets. Rather than sporting company logos, Ipanerra bags feature pictures of animals, drawing of famous building and cartoon figures commissioned for his purpose The result? Not only is there considerable demand for the bags but they also attract attention in the street which means free advertising for the supermarket. The bags are easily associated with the supermarket chain even with the logos, which Ipanerra removed from both its cloth and plastic bags. The success has prompted the company to consider designing smaller sacks suited for younger customers, a logical next step for a supermarket chain targeting children.
1) What is the disadvantage of many supermarkets' cloth bags?
a) Their durability
b) Their appearance
c) Their cost
d) Their size
คือตัวเองเลือกข้อ c นะค่ะ เเต่ว่าเฉลยตอบข้อ b
เลยสงสัยว่าจริงๆตอบได้ทั้งสองข้อหรือเปล่าค่ะ ขอบคุณค่ะ
ถาม Passage TOEIC หน่อยค่ะ
Customers’ excessive use of hard-to-recycle plastic bags is harmful to the environment. Supermarkets have used many tactics to encourage their customers not to use these plastic bags. Some try charging extra for each bag used for offering paper bags instead, but these methods are far from perfect. Charging for a plastic bag can have the effect of driving customers to a competing supermarket. Paper bags are expensive to make, so they are less viable than even low-quality plastic bags. Many supermarkets offer a small discount in return for not using a plastic bag, and still others sell reusable cloth sacks that customer can bring back every time they come shopping. But the availability of cloth bags has done little to reduce the use of use of plastic disposables. Marketing experts at Ipanerra Supermarkets Company believe cloth bags would be more successful if they were more fashionable.
According to them it is hard to blame customers for not buying a durable cloth carryall, even a cheap one, if it doesn’t have a catchy design and if all it features is a company logo.
To address this problem Ipanerra hired a team of designers to make its cloth bags more colorful than those available at other supermarkets. Rather than sporting company logos, Ipanerra bags feature pictures of animals, drawing of famous building and cartoon figures commissioned for his purpose The result? Not only is there considerable demand for the bags but they also attract attention in the street which means free advertising for the supermarket. The bags are easily associated with the supermarket chain even with the logos, which Ipanerra removed from both its cloth and plastic bags. The success has prompted the company to consider designing smaller sacks suited for younger customers, a logical next step for a supermarket chain targeting children.
1) What is the disadvantage of many supermarkets' cloth bags?
a) Their durability
b) Their appearance
c) Their cost
d) Their size
คือตัวเองเลือกข้อ c นะค่ะ เเต่ว่าเฉลยตอบข้อ b
เลยสงสัยว่าจริงๆตอบได้ทั้งสองข้อหรือเปล่าค่ะ ขอบคุณค่ะ