the data of each region is stored in its own spreadsheet and has been captured in its own format so the deficiencies with the data are occurring.
When data are presented in a long format then each several measurements store under the “Measure” column and another column called “Value” is added which use to store the values of each measurement.
they should be represented in the same way then it will not complex when analysis.
Although all descriptions are going to be a unique name but some of them might be similar and confused.
ประโยคข้างบนนี่แกรมม่าถูกไหมค่ะ หรือเป็น passive voice คะ?
When data are presented in a long format then each several measurements store under the “Measure” column and another column called “Value” is added which use to store the values of each measurement.
they should be represented in the same way then it will not complex when analysis.
Although all descriptions are going to be a unique name but some of them might be similar and confused.
ประโยคข้างบนนี่แกรมม่าถูกไหมค่ะ หรือเป็น passive voice คะ?