วีซ่าออสโดนปฏิเสธ ช่วยด้วยครับ

*****มาแก้ข้อมูลช้าขอโทษด้วยนะครับ ได้VISA multiple 1 ปี ครับ******

สวัสดีครับ คือสมัครวีซ่าออส ออนไลน์ไปตอนวันที่๑๔ ธ.ค. ที่ผ่านมาครับ
แล้วผลลออกวันที่๒๙ว่าไม่ผ่าน พร้อมแนบเอกสารมา ๔ แผ่นครับ ตามด้านล่าง
คือผมอ่านแล้วก็ไม่เข้าใจครับ ว่าเป็นเพราะอะไรถึงไม่ผ่าน

Dear ชื่อผม
Notification of refusal of application for a Visitor (class FA) Visitor (Tourist) (subclass 600) visa
Refused Applicant
I wish to advise you that the application for this visa has been refused on 29 December 2016 for the following applicant:
Client Name ชื่อ
Date of Birth วันเกิด
The applicant did not satisfy the provisions of the Migration Regulations 1994.
The attached Decision Record provides detailed information about this decision as it applies to this applicant.
Review rights
There is no right of merits review for this decision.
As this letter was sent to you by email, you are taken to have received it at the end of the day it was transmitted.
Questions about this decision
The Department cannot consider your visa application any further.

Visa application charge
The visa application charge which has already been paid can only be refunded in limited circumstances, regardless of the application outcome.
A receipt for your payment is available through your ImmiAccount.
Client service information
We value your compliments, complaints and suggestions. Your compliments let us know where we are performing well and your complaints help us improve our services.
Further information on our client service charter and how to make a compliment, complaint or suggestion is available at www.border.gov.au/about/contact/provide-feedback
Yours sincerely


Client Name ชื่อ
Date of Birth วันเกิด
Client ID ๑๒๓๔๕๖๗๘๙
Visa Subclass Stream Tourist
The applicant’s claims
The applicant has applied for the grant of a Visitor (subclass 600) visa on the basis that he wishes to visit Australia as a tourist.
Information and evidence considered
I am a delegated decision maker under section 65 of the Migration Act 1958. In reaching my decision, I have considered the following:
- relevant legislation contained in the Migration Act and Migration Regulations 1994
- information contained in the Department's Procedures Advice Manual 3
- documents and information provided by the applicant(s)
On the basis of all of the information available to me, including the documents and information the applicant provided, I find that the criteria for the grant of a Visitor (Tourist) visa are not met by the applicant.
I have assessed the application and the reasons for my decision are detailed below.
An application for a Visitor (Tourist) visa has been made by the applicant.
Under the migration law, a visa cannot be granted unless the applicant meets the relevant legal requirements that are specified in the Act and the Regulations.Clause 600.211 of the Regulations has not been met by the applicant on the date I made my decision.

Clause 600.211 is a criterion to be satisfied for the grant of a Visitor (subclass 600) visa.
The applicant genuinely intends to stay temporarily in Australia for the purpose for which the visa is granted, having regard to:
(a) whether the applicant has complied substantially with the conditions to which the last substantive visa, or any subsequent bridging visa, held by the applicant was subject; and
(b) whether the applicant intends to comply with the conditions to which the Subclass 600 visa
would be subject; and
(c) any other relevant matter.

After considering the information the applicant has provided as evidence of his purpose in visiting Australia, I am not satisfied that he genuinely intends to visit Australia temporarily. I do not consider the applicant’s personal circumstances including his temporary visa status that will shortly cease in Japan demonstrate that they would offer strong and ongoing incentives for his to return to Japan upon completion of the visit. While I note that the applicant has work commitment in Japan, I am not satisfied that this commitment alone would constitute strong and ongoing incentives for his to return. Furthermore, there is no substantial information showing the applicant’s situation in his home country. Therefore I cannot be satisfied that the applicant’s situation in his home country would serve as strong and ongoing incentives for him to return. As his personal circumstances in Japan or in his home country do not demonstrate that they would offer strong and ongoing incentives for him to leave Australia upon completion of his visit, I cannot be satisfied that the applicant is a genuine visitor intending a temporary stay in Australia.
Consequently I am not satisfied that the applicant meet the legal requirements in clause 600.211 of the Schedule 2 of the Regulations.
As clause 600.211 in Schedule 2 of the Regulations is not met by the applicant, I find
the criteria for the grant of a Visitor (Tourist) visa in the Tourist stream are not met by the applicant, and thus the applicant does not meet the criteria for the grant of a Visitor (Tourist) visa. I therefore find the criteria for the grant of a Visitor visa are not met by the applicant.
Therefore, I refuse the application by the applicant for a Visitor visa.
Yours sincerely

ความคิดเห็นที่ 1
เข้าใจว่า จขกท. ขอวีซ่าท่องเที่ยวออสเตรเลียขณะ ได้วีซ่าทำงานในญี่ปุ่น?

เขาบอกว่า วีซ่าที่ญี่ปุ่นของ จขกท กำลังจะหมดอายุ ทำให้เขาไม่สามารถเชื่อได้ว่า หลังจากได้เข้าออสเตรเลียแล้ว จขกท. จะกลับไปทำงานที่ญี่ปุ่นอีก และยังไม่มีหลักฐานเพียงพอให้เชื่อว่า จขกท. จะกลับภูมิลำเนาที่เมืองไทยเช่นกัน
โปรดศึกษาและยอมรับนโยบายข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลก่อนเริ่มใช้งาน อ่านเพิ่มเติมได้ที่นี่