1.Oil absorption capacity (OAC)
The oil absorption capacity was determined with slight modification to the method of Ige, Ogunsua, and Oke (1984). 2.5 g flour was mixed with 32.5 mL of refined oil in pre-weighed centrifugal tube and vortexed for 10 min. The tubes were centrifuged for 25 min at 3000 × g. The oil was drained off and centrifuge tubes were weighed. ช่วยแปลตัวหนาด้วยค่างงวิธีวิเคราะห์ค่ะ
2.3.2. Functional properties of raw and germinated flours
The effect of germination on the functional properties of flour from raw to germinated C. album grains is presented in Table 2. There was a significant (p < 0.05) difference in functional characters among the flours, except for bulk and true density. With germination bulk density, which is a measure of heaviness, of the flour decreased slightly while as its true density increased a bit. The slight decrease in bulk density of germinated C. album flours could be ascribed to variation of dietary fibre during germination. Porosity which depends on density flour density, increased significantly during germination. Water absorption of a food product is an index of the maximum amount of water the product absorbs and retains which is important to soften and increase digestibility ( Ijarotimi & Keshinro, 2012). Significantly higher (p < 0.05) values of WAI and WSI were observed for germinated C. album flour than raw C. album flour. Oil absorption capacity is important for nutrient and energy density of food products especially for infant and young children. Germinated C. album flour showed slightly high OAC than raw C. album flour ( Table 2). This high oil-binding capacity of germinated C. album flour suggests that this flour would be useful in formulation of foods where an oil holding property is an essential consideration. ช่วยแปลประโยคตัวหนาด้วยค่า
3.The spread factor highly reliants on the dough viscosity (Pareyt & Delcour, 2008) and the replacement with C. album flour lowered dough viscosity แล้วก็ประโยคนี้ค่า
1.Oil absorption capacity (OAC)
The oil absorption capacity was determined with slight modification to the method of Ige, Ogunsua, and Oke (1984). 2.5 g flour was mixed with 32.5 mL of refined oil in pre-weighed centrifugal tube and vortexed for 10 min. The tubes were centrifuged for 25 min at 3000 × g. The oil was drained off and centrifuge tubes were weighed. ช่วยแปลตัวหนาด้วยค่างงวิธีวิเคราะห์ค่ะ
2.3.2. Functional properties of raw and germinated flours
The effect of germination on the functional properties of flour from raw to germinated C. album grains is presented in Table 2. There was a significant (p < 0.05) difference in functional characters among the flours, except for bulk and true density. With germination bulk density, which is a measure of heaviness, of the flour decreased slightly while as its true density increased a bit. The slight decrease in bulk density of germinated C. album flours could be ascribed to variation of dietary fibre during germination. Porosity which depends on density flour density, increased significantly during germination. Water absorption of a food product is an index of the maximum amount of water the product absorbs and retains which is important to soften and increase digestibility ( Ijarotimi & Keshinro, 2012). Significantly higher (p < 0.05) values of WAI and WSI were observed for germinated C. album flour than raw C. album flour. Oil absorption capacity is important for nutrient and energy density of food products especially for infant and young children. Germinated C. album flour showed slightly high OAC than raw C. album flour ( Table 2). This high oil-binding capacity of germinated C. album flour suggests that this flour would be useful in formulation of foods where an oil holding property is an essential consideration. ช่วยแปลประโยคตัวหนาด้วยค่า
3.The spread factor highly reliants on the dough viscosity (Pareyt & Delcour, 2008) and the replacement with C. album flour lowered dough viscosity แล้วก็ประโยคนี้ค่า