You Win Again - Bee Gees ... ความหมาย

แต่งโดย Barry, Robin และ Maurice Gibb เป็นซิงเกิลของ Bee Gees. Released ในปี พ.ศ.2530

YouTube / Uploaded by beegees

I couldn't figure why you couldn't give me what everybody needs

I shouldn't let you kick me when I'm down , my baby

I find out everybody know that you've been using me

I'm surprised you let me stay around you

One day I'm gonna lift the cover and look inside your heart

We gotta level before we go and tear this love apart

There's no fight you can't fight this battle of love with me

You win again

So little time ,we do nothing but compete

There's no life on earth , no other could see me through

You win again

Some never try, but if anybody can, we can

And I'll be, I'll be following you

Oh girl, oh girl, oh baby I shake you from now on

I'm gonna break down your defenses one by one

I'm gonna hit you from all sides lay your fortress open wide

Nobody stops this body from taking you

You better beware,

I swear I'm gonna be there one day when you fall

I could never let you cast aside the greatest love of all

There's no fight you can't fight this battle of love with me

You win again

So little time ,we do nothing but compete

There's no life on earth , no other could see me through

You win again

Some never try, but if anybody can, we can

And I'll be, I'll be following you

Oh girl

You win again
So little time ,we do nothing but compete
There's no life on earth , no other could see me through
You win again
Some never try, but if anybody can, we can

And I'll be, I'll be following you

You win again
So little time ,we do nothing but compete
There's no life on earth , no other could see me through
You win again
So little time ,we do nothing but compete
There's no life on earth , no other could see me through
You win again

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