Chinese Lend 'Isolated Russia' $12bn for Gas Plant in the Arctic
The loan deals, the third-largest in Russian corporate history, are likely to be presented in Russia as a victory over what are seen as Western attempts to curb Russia's energy expansion to punish it for its role in the Ukraine crisis.
They are also in line with Russia's "Eastwards Pivot", a policy of forging closer political and economic ties with Asia's biggest powerhouses, such as China, to compensate for poorer relations with the West.
ตะวันตกแซงชั่นรัสเซียไม่สำเร็จแล้ว มีเสี่ยกระเป๋าหนัก ช่วยรัสเซียอยู่ เสี่ยอยู่ข้างบ้านเราเอง
The loan deals, the third-largest in Russian corporate history, are likely to be presented in Russia as a victory over what are seen as Western attempts to curb Russia's energy expansion to punish it for its role in the Ukraine crisis.
They are also in line with Russia's "Eastwards Pivot", a policy of forging closer political and economic ties with Asia's biggest powerhouses, such as China, to compensate for poorer relations with the West.