
ใครเคยโอน หรือทำเป็นช่วยแนะนำด้วยค่ะ

You can transfer money as below ,
$1×1320 MMK.
you can contact transfer to Western Union Agent in your country.
*How to Send * 1)Please go to your nearest western union authorized
agent by locating the nearest Western Union via their website. Visit
the agent location, fill out the paperwork to send money, and pay in
cash or credit.
Find your nearest location http://locations.westernunion.com/
* Please Fill
1. *Your Sender Name
2. *Sender Country & City*
3. *Phone No*
4. *Your Address*
5. *Receiver Country : Myanmar*
6. *Receiver Name : Nay Linn Naing.
First name is Nay.
Middle name is Linn.
Last name is Naing.
7. *Receiver Address : 3rd road , R -103 , Yu Za Na Garden City . (Burma).*
Provide them with the reference number given to you by Western Union,
You will received *MTCN* Code & Keep the receipt. What is MTCN Check
out this link : http://www.westernunion.com in Customer Support.
2)Please send us your receipted paper information or follow information.
1. *Your Sender Name*
2. *Sender Country & City*
3. *Phone No*
4. *Address*
5. *MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number<https:/4/thewesternunion.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/13/session/L3RpbWUvMTM1OTAzNjY1Mi9zaWQvY2 82WTE2aGw%3D> )*
6. *Receiver Name : Nay Linn Naing
7. *Receiver Address : 3rd road , R -103 , Yu Za Na Garden City  , Myanmar (Burma).

โปรดศึกษาและยอมรับนโยบายข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลก่อนเริ่มใช้งาน อ่านเพิ่มเติมได้ที่นี่