สายการบิน China’s Spring Airlines มาแปลก....ออกนโยบายรับสมัครลูกเรือที่สูงอายุเท่านั้น


To meet strong growth in demand, China’s Spring Airlines is on a drive to hire new flight attendants, a profession that’s highly sought-after in the nation for the glamour and travel opportunities.

But there’s a catch: Spring Air, China’s biggest budget carrier, will give preference to married women with kids.

These unusual requirements to hire what the airline calls ‘flight aunties’ come as the Shanghai-based airline seeks to diversify the profile of its 600-strong flight attendant workforce.

It’s also a huge departure from what’s done at China’s big state-owned carriers, which place heavy emphasis on beauty and youth. Chinese airlines are known to host pageant-style competitions to choose new flight attendants, attracting thousands of applications from young women. Airlines also employ male flight attendants, though females remain the vast majority.

In its latest recruitment campaign, Spring Air says it’s seeking college-educated females aged between 25 and 45, adding that those who are married with children are given top consideration.

The airline says it’s beneficial to have a wider age profile among flight attendants, because they could provide different service advantages and skills. It notes that younger flight attendants are more enthusiastic, while older ones are more mature and reliable.

Spring Air says its decision to raise the age limit for flight attendants to 45 follows the results of a recent survey on Weibo indicating that 72% of internet users polled prefer to be served by experienced flight attendants. The previous age cap for new hires was 35.

“We believe many women have a dream to work in the aviation industry, no matter how old they are,” the airline said.

ที่มา http://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/2013/07/16/chinese-airline-to-hire-flight-aunties/
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