ความคิดเห็นที่ 5
เจอแล้วค่ะ สรุปว่าไม่ได้ค่ะ จะเขียนใน Description หรือลายน้ำบนรูปก็เข้าข่ายผิดกฏค่ะ
- You may not use Etsy to direct shoppers to another online selling venue to purchase the same items as listed in your Etsy shop, as this may constitute fee avoidance. This includes posting links/URLs or providing information sufficient to locate the other online venue(s).
- An Etsy account may not be used for the purpose of redirecting traffic to another web location. This includes shops in Vacation Mode. Please contact Support to have your account closed if you are no longer using it.
- You may not use Etsy to direct shoppers to another online selling venue to purchase the same items as listed in your Etsy shop, as this may constitute fee avoidance. This includes posting links/URLs or providing information sufficient to locate the other online venue(s).
- An Etsy account may not be used for the purpose of redirecting traffic to another web location. This includes shops in Vacation Mode. Please contact Support to have your account closed if you are no longer using it.
รบกวนหน่อยครับ ผมลงรูปโพสขายของในเวป etsy ครับ ไม่ทราบว่าแบบนี้ผิดกฏเค้ามั้ยครับ ถ้าซ้ำขออภัยนะครับ มือใหม่จริงๆครับ^^