ช่วยด้วยครับ Chinese word list update. ไม่อัพเดทเป็นเวอร์ชั่น 1.7 บนเครื่องแมคบุคโปรเรตินา15 นิ้ว ใช้OSX 10.8.4. ครับ

Apple has released Chinese Word list update on June 7, 2013. This is a small 118 KB update that normally will update itself automatically without any ability for user to control the update.Normally, it will be updated in the backgroud in 7-8 days after released.

I have Chinese Word list updat 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6 on my system but this time, Chinese Word list Update 1.7 never update my system. I would like to get assistance from our frieds here to send me the files that can be copied from your Mac to allow me to update it manually.

To make sure that you have Chinese Word list Update 1.7 on your system, do the following:

1, Click on Apple Menu - Abot This Mac - More Info - System Report
2. In System Report, navigate to Software - Installations
3. Scroll down the software list, then see whether you have Chinese Word list Update 1.7 installed on your system

If you have Chinese Word list Update on your system, please copy and send me the following files for me to manual update my system:

1. In FInder, click Go and enter /private/var/db/receipts

2. copy all files:   com.apple.chinesewordlistupdate.X-XXX.bom
     and all             com.apple.chinesewordlistupdtae.X-XXX.plist
    also                 com.apple,chinesewordlist update.bom
    and                  com.apple.chinesewordlistupdate.plist

3. In Finder, navigate to folder: Macintosh HD/usr/share/mecabra/updates
     This is a hidden folder, so the Go command will not work. To get there, use Finder to navigate to this folder.
     If you cannot see it, try enter this command in Terminal

    defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles YES

    and you can navigate to Macintosh HD/usr/share/mecabra/updates

    After you have copied the following files listed in 4, you can get back to default setting bu entering

     defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles NO

4. Copy files:  com.apple.pkg.Inputmethod.SCIM.bundle
     and            com.apple.pkg.inputmethod.TCIM.bunble

Please send all these files to me, and I can put them into respective locations ro get my system, to update to Chinese Word list Update 1.7

My email is: tsanchai@yahoo.com

Now for anybody who want to complete the update manually:

a. Put all the above files in its respective location
b. Open file Macintosh HD/Library/Recipts/Installhistrory.plist using plist editor software like PlistEdit Pro
     This folder is hidden, please use the above terminal command to show it
c. Find Chinese Word list Update and note down the detail of keys there
d. Ceate a new key and enter all information you have copied in c., change version to 1.7


Thank for kined support for friend and expert that can send me these files to allow me to manually update Chinese Word list Update to verion 1.7
Or if any fiied have the installation file chinesewordlistupdate.pkg verion 1.7, please also send to me
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3)
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