Patee Sarasin, Nok Air's chief executive officer. When it debuted on Facebook, we had over 200,000 likes. I'm happy."
Nok Air has no flight attendants over the age of 30, says CEO Sarasin.
They typically take to the skies from graduation around the age of 23, stay in the company for three years -- maybe another two if they're "really, really good"
Do sexy flight attendants really sell more seats?
CNN: นกแอร์ sexy flight attendants ??
Patee Sarasin, Nok Air's chief executive officer. When it debuted on Facebook, we had over 200,000 likes. I'm happy."
Nok Air has no flight attendants over the age of 30, says CEO Sarasin.
They typically take to the skies from graduation around the age of 23, stay in the company for three years -- maybe another two if they're "really, really good"
Do sexy flight attendants really sell more seats?