ช่วยแปลอังกฤษ หน่อยค่ะ ยากมากๆ?

There are a number of industries that survive solely upon white guilt: Penguin Classics, the SPCA, free range chicken farms, and the entire rubber bracelet market.

รู้ว่า spca มันคือสถานสงเคราะห์สุนัข แมว ในเมืองนอก  แล้วมันเกี่ยวอะไรกัน white guilt หรอค่ะ หาจากดิกอังกฤษมันแปลว่า  a term used by some to decribe the vacuum of moral authority  surrounding whites on the issues of race due to thir racial  crimes against blacks

Yet all of these pale in comparison to classical music, which has used white guilt to exist for over a century beyond its relevance.

Though white people do not actually listen to classical music, they like to believe that they are the type of people who would enjoy it.  You can witness this first hand by going to any classical performance at your local symphony where you will see literally dozens of white couples who have paid upwards of $80 for the right to dress up and sit in a chair for hours reading every word in the program.After leaving the concert hall, white people will immediately begin telling everyone they know about how much they loved the performance and how they plan to “go more often.”  This is because white people see little to no value enjoying classical music without recognition from other white people.  This can be seen first hand by looking at the plaques and bricks around all opera houses: they are covered in white person names.If a white person starts talking to you about classical music, it’s essential that you tread very lightly.  This is because white people are all petrified that they will be exposed as someone who has only a moderate understanding of classical music.  When a white person encounters another white person who actually enjoys classical music (exceptionally rare), it is often considered to be one of the most traumatic experiences they can go through.“Really?  Beethoven’s 5th Symphony….that’s your favorite.”“um, no, I mean…”“You sure it’s not Pachebel’s Canon?”“well, ah, I like that, ah, song”“sigh, of course you do.”
โปรดศึกษาและยอมรับนโยบายข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลก่อนเริ่มใช้งาน อ่านเพิ่มเติมได้ที่นี่